Sunday 14 July 2013

Favourite Film

Favourite film of all time is hands down 'Color of Purple' 

It's a Steven Spielberg film that starts Whoopi Goldberg and documents the life of a young girls life that gets married off to a local man, who had been previously widowed and documents the mid treatment of her at the hands of the men in her life. 

Her relationship with her sister is a very close and tragic one and sees her sister being banished from her marital home because she tried to teach Whoopi to read behind her oppressive husbands back! 

The next close female relationship she has after this is with her husbands lover who is a beautiful, talented and graceful woman. She sings the most beautiful Blues songs in the shack that Whoopi's husband built for the local areas and holds a captive audience with all the men who attend. 

One man that she cannot capture in her spell is her preacher father. All she wants is to be loved by her father. 

She sings the most beautiful song in the film about Whoopi's character called Miss Celie's Blues. It is a beautiful, sad and empowering song, truly sing from the heart. 

The utter disparity of life in this film makes all those little pockets of romance and compassion so much more heart rendering. 

Steven Spielberg has never made a bad film and I truly feel that this is one of his best works. It is quite a long sitting though, almost 3 hours long but perfect if you want an evening to yourself because you are losing the ability to feel pure compassion for all those people that, quite frankly, could do with a slap! 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great write up - glad you shared that. Kay
